Fox River Grove, IL
Here are some of our favorite snapshots over the past few years. As dads, we've had some fun adventures, so let us know if you have any questions.
Our Sledding Event
2024... We should probably tell you some good story here.... but who has time when you have kids.
Medieval Times - May 4, 2024
You are a night and a scholar, if you sign up today.
Blackhawk public school bus
With rest of the Kickapoo guides we got a large group and took over the whole campground just for ourselfs.
Blackhawk public school bus
If your Son wants to become BIG Brother to other kids
he can do that by
getting into our honor's program
July 4th, 2023
Sleeping overnight on sand while on Wisconsin River Canoe Trip
Spring campout, Saturday activity
I'm hungry Dad
Story telling
Winter Camput. (In Cabins), WI
It would not be fun without some entertainment by Dads.
Dads and Sons doing Dads and Sons things.