Kids are growing and Dads want to spend as much time we can with them. So we partnered with other Dads and created a KICKAPOO GUIDES under (a Not For Profit organized by Dads for Dads)

We are able to attend many fun events organized by our KICAKPOO Group. We supplement the main events with our local cities activities for Dads and Sons.

Curious about any of our fun activities? Feel free to send us a message and we'll do our best to respond when we have a break from the kiddos.

Hi, I'm ERIC

About Me

Every so often, we call it "hunting season" we make one of the Dads be a group Leader.  This year its me, and I would like to invite you to join us. My son is in 3rd grade. There is no pressure you join when you can, kids have fun, they meet other kids, Dads meet other Dads. We all live around each other and this way we can spend some quality times together and get to know our neighbor. 

I'm not alone

Meet the Kickapoo Group

Sorry, we were too busy making sure our "cardboard sled" wins, we forgot to turn around for photo.

Come and Join us at next event

"The biggest reason I've been involved with the Tatonka Guides is because of the great events and adventures I can go to together with my sons. All the dads and sons have fun together. We all learn from each other and look out for one another. Our families have gotten to know each other. We have created a real neighborhood here in Des Plaines." 

Says David M.

"The biggest reason I've been involved with the Shawnee Guides is because my kids get to meet other kids that they would never meet. They don't meet people interested in same sports or go to same school. They get to express their opinions, form bonds with a other groups, and best of all spend time with me. "

Says Colin G.

"Well, I joined because one of the Dads asked if I want to come. Even before we left the parking lot of our first ever campout both of my sons were asking when are we doing this again?"

Says Ryan H.

To join you need 3 easy steps

Can you manage?

Step 1: (pick this at register)
Nation = Kickapoo

Step 2: (select the group)

Tribe = Which tribe name is closest to you?

Step 3: 

 Let's get you registered.